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Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea


Single Origin – Papua New Guinea Coffee Beans offers a well-balanced, with mild earthy flavors and medium acidity

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Coffee beans from Papua New Guinea (PNG) are a hidden treasure in the world of coffee, offering a distinctive and complex flavor profile that reflects the unique terroir of the region. Nestled in the southwestern Pacific, PNG’s coffee industry has gained recognition for its high-quality Arabica beans cultivated in the rich volcanic soils of the country’s mountainous landscapes.

One of the key contributors to the distinctiveness of Papua New Guinea coffee is the diverse range of microclimates found within its growing regions. Coffees from the Eastern Highlands, Western Highlands, and Simbu regions showcase unique characteristics influenced by altitude, rainfall, and temperature variations. PNG coffee is renowned for its well-balanced cup profile, typically featuring medium to full body, moderate acidity, and a rich, smooth flavor. The beans are often characterized by notes of winey acidity, earthiness, and hints of fruity undertones. The country’s high altitudes, ranging from 600 to 2,000 meters above sea level, contribute to the slow maturation of the coffee cherries, allowing for a depth of flavor and complexity.

Papua New Guinea’s coffee industry primarily consists of smallholder farmers cultivating beans using traditional methods. The beans are handpicked, ensuring that only ripe cherries are harvested. This meticulous approach to harvesting contributes to the consistent quality of PNG coffee. The unique processing methods employed in Papua New Guinea also play a role in shaping the flavor profile. The wet-processing method, where beans are pulped and fermented before being thoroughly washed and dried, enhances the clean and bright attributes of the coffee. This process contributes to the nuanced flavors and aromatic qualities that make PNG coffee stand out. Notable varieties of PNG coffee include Arabica Typica, Bourbon, and Arusha, with each bringing its own unique characteristics to the cup.

The commitment to sustainability and organic farming practices in many PNG coffee plantations aligns with global trends toward ethical and environmentally conscious coffee production.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Bean Type

Ground, Whole Bean

Ground Type

Drip, Espresso, French Press, None


16 oz, 2 lbs, 5 lbs


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