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Single Origin – Panama Coffee Beans – Clean, sweet, mellow and well-rounded

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Our Coffee beans from Panama are a hidden gem within the world of specialty coffee, celebrated for their exquisite quality, unique flavor profiles, and the meticulous cultivation that takes place in the country’s diverse microclimates.

Nestled at the crossroads of Central and South America, Panama has emerged as a producer of some of the most sought-after Arabica beans, particularly those from the renowned Boquete region. Panamanian coffee is characterized by its exceptional balance, bright acidity, and a distinctive sweetness that sets it apart. The Boquete region, located in the western highlands of Panama, is famed for its fertile volcanic soil, high altitudes, and optimal climate, creating the ideal conditions for producing coffee with complex and nuanced flavors. Boquete’s geographically diverse landscape contributes to the unique taste of Panamanian coffee. The beans grown at high altitudes, often exceeding 1,200 meters, experience slow maturation, allowing for a concentration of flavors. The region’s temperature fluctuations between day and night further enhance the beans’ complexity, resulting in coffees with vibrant acidity and a rich, well-rounded character.

Panama’s Gesha variety, in particular, has gained international acclaim. Renowned for its exquisite cup profile, Gesha coffee from Panama is often prized for its floral and tea-like aromas, coupled with notes of tropical fruits, jasmine, and bergamot. The meticulous cultivation of Gesha beans, often done on small family-owned farms, reflects the dedication to producing high-quality coffee that Panama is becoming synonymous with.

Panamanian coffee farmers embrace sustainable and environmentally friendly practices, recognizing the importance of preserving the delicate ecosystems that contribute to the coffee’s unique qualities. Many farms employ shade-grown methods, fostering biodiversity and promoting the health of the surrounding environment. The processing of Panamanian coffee often involves the traditional washed method, where the beans are carefully pulped, fermented, and then thoroughly washed before drying.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Bean Type

Ground, Whole Bean

Ground Type

Drip, Espresso, French Press, None


16 oz, 2 lbs, 5 lbs


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