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Ethiopia Harrar

Ethiopia Harrar


Single Origin – Ethiopia Harrar is rich and fruity with chocolate with hint of blueberry notes

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Ethiopian Harrar coffee beans are a celebrated and distinctive variety originating from the Eastern Highlands of Ethiopia, specifically the Harrar region. Renowned for their unique flavor profile and centuries-old cultivation methods, Harrar beans encapsulate the essence of Ethiopian coffee traditions, earning them a revered status among coffee enthusiasts.

Harrar coffee is often referred to as “Mocha Harrar” due to its historical ties to the ancient Ethiopian port city of Mocha. The coffee is primarily grown in the high-altitude regions surrounding Harrar, where the combination of elevation, climate, and volcanic soil contributes to the beans’ unparalleled taste. One of the hallmarks of Ethiopian Harrar coffee is its distinctively bold and full-bodied flavor. The beans are often characterized by a rich, wine-like acidity that adds depth and complexity to the cup. Harrar coffee is renowned for its wild and fruity notes, with a spectrum that can include hints of wine, dark chocolate, and a plethora of berry flavors, including blueberry and blackberry. What sets Ethiopian Harrar apart is its unique natural processing method. The beans are sun-dried with the coffee cherry still intact, allowing the flavors from the fruit to permeate the beans during the drying process. This results in a coffee with a robust, winey taste and a characteristic complexity that is unmistakably Harrar.

The Harrar region’s coffee production is deeply ingrained in Ethiopia’s coffee heritage, with many farms using traditional methods handed down through generations. Smallholder farmers meticulously cultivate and harvest the coffee cherries, often relying on traditional practices such as handpicking to ensure the highest quality. Ethiopian Harrar coffee, with its captivating flavors and historic roots, stands as a testament to the diversity and richness of Ethiopian coffee.

The unique combination of terroir, natural processing, and the dedication of local farmers creates a cup that not only reflects the cultural significance of Ethiopian coffee but also showcases the intricate and nuanced flavors that make Harrar beans a cherished and sought-after variety in the world of specialty coffee. Each sip is a journey through time and tradition, offering a sensory experience that pays homage to Ethiopia’s esteemed coffee legacy.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Bean Type

Ground, Whole Bean

Ground Type

Drip, Espresso, French Press, None


16 oz, 2 lbs, 5 lbs


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