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Black Canyon Blend

Black Canyon Blend


Black Canyon Blend carries floral and citrusy notes, with hints of jasmine, bergamot, and lemon zest

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Step into a world of coffee craftsmanship with our Black Canyon Blend – a meticulously curated symphony of flavors that brings together the best of Ethiopian, Colombian, and Sumatran coffee beans. Crafted with precision and passion, this blend is a testament to the artistry of coffee roasting, inviting enthusiasts to embark on a sensory journey that transcends the ordinary. At the heart of the Black Canyon Blend lies the perfect fusion of Ethiopian, Colombian, and Sumatran beans, each renowned for its unique characteristics and terroir. It’s more than just a blend; it’s a harmonious collaboration that elevates the coffee experience to new heights.

The Ethiopian beans contribute their bright acidity and intricate floral notes, creating a lively and vibrant foundation for the blend. Colombian beans, celebrated for their well-balanced profile and wine-like acidity, add a layer of sophistication to the Black Canyon Blend. As you take your first sip, you’ll encounter the nuanced interplay of flavors, with the Colombian beans imparting a touch of sweetness and a refined complexity that lingers on the palate. It’s a journey through the diverse landscapes of Colombian coffee regions, encapsulated in every cup. The inclusion of Sumatran beans adds depth and a bold, earthy character to the blend. Grown in the lush landscapes of Sumatra, these beans contribute to the blend’s full-bodied richness and create a robust coffee taste that is both satisfying and memorable.

The unique processing methods of Sumatran beans, notably the wet-hulling process, enhance the overall flavor profile, providing a distinctive and exotic touch. This blend is more than just a combination of beans; it’s a celebration of diversity and complexity. The Black Canyon Blend transcends geographical boundaries as coffee beans from different environments and regions converge, creating a symphony of flavors that is greater than the sum of its parts. It’s a testament to the art of blending, where expertise and passion come together to craft a coffee experience that resonates with connoisseurs and casual drinkers alike. As you savor the Black Canyon Blend, you’ll embark on a journey through the coffee-growing regions of Ethiopia, Colombia, and Sumatra.

It’s a sensory exploration that invites you to appreciate the nuances of each origin while reveling in the harmonious fusion that defines this exceptional blend. Whether you prefer it as a morning ritual or an afternoon indulgence, the Black Canyon Blend promises a rich and bold cup that reflects the mastery and dedication embedded in every carefully selected bean.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Bean Type

Ground, Whole Bean

Ground Type

Drip, French Press, None


16 oz, 2 lbs, 5 lbs


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